Saturday 26 June 2010

Big Cheese

I just read an article on Yahoo Movies blog about films that're so bad they're good. And they do have some corkers! Highlights include Birdemic (the link in their blog doesn't work), which is so tacky it looks like a spoof trailer, Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, which looks like possibly the most awesomist film ever, and Shark Attack 3: Megalodon, starring John Barrowman (which just about tells you everything you need to know: it's gonna be cheesy as hell).

And I can think of a few other films that definitely fall into the category of 'so bad they're good':

Ticks, a wonderful 90's horror film featuring Carlton from Fresh Prince trying to be a badass, Seth Green, and some giant mutated ticks. And plenty of unintentional hilarity.

Piranha, a stunning piece of late 70's cheese that followed in the wake of the success of Jaws. I love the buzzing sound effect they used when the piranhas attack. There is a remake out this summer, which instead of mutated piranhas uses 2 million year-old supposedly extinct piranhas! In 3D!

Zapped!, a large slice of 80's Stinking Bishop starring a very young Scott Baio as a science geek who accidentally discovers a formula that gives him telekinetic powers, leading to all sorts of hilarious high school hilarity.

Flash Gordon. Ah, Flash Gordon. A predictable addition to the list, I'll admit, but it is without a doubt one of the cheesiest movies ever made. And BRILLIANT. What's not to love? It has everything you need: Ming The Merciless, Brian Blessed, and a soundtrack by Queen. Job done.

Any others you think I've missed? There must be millions. I have discounted such gems as Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, WarGames, Willow, Die Hard, Gremlins, Short Circuit, Dune etc., on the grounds that I think they are genuinely good.