Friday 14 May 2010

Feeling The Pull

You may have noticed this blog's been kinda quiet lately. And that's not due to laziness on my part, I swear, I have had no internet for the last few weeks due to a delay while switching suppliers. And during this internet down-time, I have had an opportunity to reflect on the fact that the internet is a dangerous, addictive, albeit useful, waste of time.

Yes, I have been inconvenienced by a lack of iPlayer and the instant gratification of having the sum of human knowledge at your finger tips (which I use mainly to find out what I've seen actors in because I'm sure I've seen them in something before, but I'm not sure what and it's really bugging me), but I have also not been a slave to the insidious nuisance that is Facebook. Being connected to the entire world 24 hours a day is not, I'm sure, entirely a good thing. I resisted joining Facebook for a long time, but after I did I would spend half the day thinking up things to write in my status, and would rush to the computer as soon as I got home to inform the world what I'd been doing all day. Which, when you come to think of it, is tragically sad. And rather egotistical: as if the world cares! I'm sure most of the world has better things to do than 'like' my status updates, so why do I make the effort to (try to) write something witty and amusing?! But that's the thing - most of the world actually doesn't have anything better to do, based on the evidence. Not content with spending all evening on Farmville or posting random nonsense and LOLcats (I love them, I'll admit it!) all evening at home, some people spend all day on Facebook at work as well! Leading many companies (and Universities) to block FB on their networks because they're losing countless hours of work time from their employees.

And having spent 3 weeks without internet, what was the first thing I did when I discovered it was back up and running today? Yes, update my Facebook status! Followed by writing this blog to tell the world about my feelings of disgust at myself for updating my Facebook status. Having discovered that life without the internet IS possible, I'd like to think that I will now spend less time using it, but let's face it, it's not going to happen. Boredom will suck me back in, and I will be its bitch again in no time!


  1. Never, in any blog post, has there been so much truth crammed into so few paragraphs. Facebook is the evil oligarch of the internet and we are all slaves to its addictive lure. If the world grinds to a halt it may well be Facebook's fault- that or total nuclear/asteroid annihilation. Disconcerting stuff! Anyway, nice to see you back! Gotta dash- I've got me a status to update! x

  2. And what is a blog is not an even more detailed egotistical trip?! Ha ha! Instead of being limited to 450 characters, you now have an infinite number to spew forth goings on!! The internet, I'm sure, is not the way to meet people or have a life. But it does pass the time!!
